6 Tips To Remove Mould From Bathroom And Prevent It From Growing In The Future Mould can be menace if left untreated, and mould mostly grows in a wet and damp location where the ventilation is also low. So, the mould growth in Bathroom is ideal. Also, when you have water leakage in the walls […]

Mould removal service

MOULD REMOVAL MEANS FRESH HOME FOR SALE Selling or buying a Home? Do you know if there is any mould in your home? Chances are that you will have cleaned off any visible mould but what about the bacteria you cannot see?Your home may well have the mould bacteria in development stages or indeed, under […]

wall drying service Brisbane

WHY IS WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION SO IMPORTANT? After a wet disaster such as a flood or burst pipes, moisture will affect substructures such as plaster,drywall, wood, concrete and carpet. Mould is of course a primary concern, but there may be other problems related to water damage – crumbling drywall and plaster,rusting metal surfaces, weakening supports, […]

flood damage restoration service

TIPS FOR WATER EMERGENCIES If you have been affected by a flooding disaster in your home, follow these tips to minimise damage as much as possible. Move all family members and pets to a hygienic and secure location If you are able to, turn off your water supply Turn off the power before moving any […]

water stain removal service sunshine

Excess water removal is the beginning point of restoration procedures. This can be achieved by physical means such as mopping or soaking up excess moisture from hard surfaces and furnishings. However,it can also involve the use of more sophisticated techniques and equipment such as pumps or commercial wet vacuuming equipment.The next step in the restoration […]